Table of diagnostic files
filename | description | variables |
dicom_paths.tsv | Output of the ‘prepare_environment()’ function. Shows the extracted dicom folders, input and output paths, and the applied regular expressions. | Take care, that your “subject/group/session_id” matches the regular expressions. Inspect the ‘output_path’ variables to find out, where the data will be saved after converting by dcm2niix cite{Li2016}. The ‘rest_string’ variables contain the removed information from the subject names. |
json_metadata.tsv | Output of the ‘read_JSON_headers()’ function. The ‘create_dashboard()’ uses the information from this file. | Subject, group, session and sequence variables for identification and all physical MR parameters from the JSON sidecar. |
sequence_overview.tsv | The ‘sequence_mapper()’ creates this file. It gives an overview of the number of images per unique sequence per session. | The ‘sequence’ column is the identifier column, ‘possible sequence’ is based on the regular expression from the ‘user_settings.R’ file. Per session one column is created containing the number of files. The ‘subject_session_merge’ column contains each subject with this sequence, up to a number of 30 observations. |
sequence_map.tsv | The ‘sequence_mapper()’ creates and updates this file with each unique sequence ID from the ‘json_metadata.tsv’. Based on this file the ‘copy2BIDS’ output paths are created. | The variables show the total number of sequences with the unique ID; the sequence type is identified by the regular expression from the ‘user_settings.R’ file. ‘BIDS_sequence’ and ‘BIDS_type’ need to be manually matched with the sequence_mapper() to the BIDS specification. The ‘relevant’ column is used for sequence selection. It is coded with ‘0’ for “no export to BIDS” and ‘1’ for “copy this file into BIDS”. |
copy2bids.tsv | Output of the copy2BIDS() function. Shows the input and output file paths of each file. | Variables per subject, session and sequence ID. Main information is in the ‘input_file_paths’ and ‘output_file_path’ columns. |